

A couple of weeks ago, Dwight and I went to the commissary on Sunday.  He was thinking of buying a special type of whiskey.  the bottle was cute, and it was a little expensive.  He asked me if he should get it.  I said he should, he works hard, he should treat himself, and I could make a lamp out of the cute bottle for him.  He said he really liked the bottle.   Well, he drank some, a nd it snuck up on him.  I knew he was drinking, but needed to go to bed, I worked the next morning.  I ut a movie on and sat in bed, wondering if I should worry.  He usually makes it to bed ok, netlike before.  So I took my sleeping pill, turned off the lights, checked on him, tried to convince him it was bed time.  He came inside, and then he fell near the couch.  I tried to help him up, but he told me he would do it himself.  He got up and headed down the hallway, weaving a bit.  Scared me.  He went into the bathroom, closed the d...

We Stumbled into 2022

 The beginning of this year has been a stumble, then a tuck and roll, but we are still here, still standing.    As we approached the New Year, I have been struggling to keep up.  I wasn't ready for Christmas.  I had been working an extra 3 hours subbing at work, to save money, because I felt something was coming around Christmas.  I would need the extra money.  I told Ms Harris that after Christmas I wouldn't becoming in, in the afternoon. I felt that int he New Year things would change, and I would not be there.  I didin'tknow how. Well. the car needed repairs, it was a rainy week, and my windshield wipers went bezerk.  I had to get that fixed, and it was a complicated issue with a computer chip.  Well, I froze my ass off waiting for the car that day, and was ver $600. That was half my check.  Then, I had intended to set aside money to get Dwight a wedding band.   We had planned to renew our vows on our anniversary.  I ha...