A couple of weeks ago, Dwight and I went to the commissary on Sunday. He was thinking of buying a special type of whiskey. the bottle was cute, and it was a little expensive. He asked me if he should get it. I said he should, he works hard, he should treat himself, and I could make a lamp out of the cute bottle for him. He said he really liked the bottle. Well, he drank some, a nd it snuck up on him. I knew he was drinking, but needed to go to bed, I worked the next morning. I ut a movie on and sat in bed, wondering if I should worry. He usually makes it to bed ok, netlike before. So I took my sleeping pill, turned off the lights, checked on him, tried to convince him it was bed time. He came inside, and then he fell near the couch. I tried to help him up, but he told me he would do it himself. He got up and headed down the hallway, weaving a bit. Scared me. He went into the bathroom, closed the d...